Wiki League of Legends
{{{Texto del tooltip}}}

This template contains various independently retrievable data items about Lucian in the form of parameter values of a variable template of choice, in a standardized fashion. It is a member of a family of templates, those with names starting with "Data" in Category:Data templates.

Champion pages


Parameter name Value Meaning
1 Lucian last part of template name, used to identify it within the family of templates[1]
article article name; needs to be specified only if it differs from Lucian; in applications, use [[{{{article|{{{1}}}}}}]] to link to the article (as has been done at the top of this page)
disp_name Lucian
fullname full name
name legacy used in Riot's old code.
ms 330 movement speed of the champion
range 550 attack range of the champion
attack_delay -0.02 used in Riot's old code.
as_base 0.638 the shortened decimal form of base attack speed found in game
as_lvl 3.3 attack speed per level (do not include the % symbol)
dam_base 46 base attack damage
dam_lvl 3 attack damage per level
arm_base 15 base armor
arm_lvl 3 armor per level
mr_base 30 base magic resistance
mr_lvl 0 magic resistance per level
hp_base 390 base health
hp_lvl 80 health per level
mp_base 230 base resource bar (100 for fury, heat; 200 for energy)
mp_lvl 41 resource bar per level (0 for fury, heat, or energy)
hp5_base 5.1 base health regen per 5 seconds
hp5_lvl 0.65 health regen per 5 seconds per level
mp5_base 7 base resource bar regen per 5 seconds (0 for fury or heat, 50 for energy)
mp5_lvl 0.7 resource bar regen per 5 seconds per level (0 for fury, heat, or energy)
resource champion resource. Not the same as the resource bar. For example, some champions have "Shield" resource bar and use "Health" for their abilities.
image LucianSquare.png champion square; ChampionSquare.png
title the Purifier champion title
herotype Marksman official primary champion role as recommended by Riot
alttype alternate or complimentary role
rangetype Ranged classification of autoattack range type
date 2013-08-22 release date (yyyy-mm-dd)
patch V3.10a released with patch
attack 8 official attack rating out of 10
health 5 official health rating out of 10
spells 3 official spells rating out of 10
difficulty 8 official difficulty rating out of 10
ip 6300 IP cost
rp 975 RP cost

Throughout the family of templates, fixed names are used for the parameters. (The parameter names are kept short to reduce counts for the post expand include size and the template argument size in cases where these are applicable.) However, not necessarily all parameters have been given a value: some parameters may not be applicable, while for some other parameters the value may just have not been specified yet. The table shows all parameters, and for each the value, if specified.


The following parameters are now deprecated on the wiki.

Parameter name Value Meaning
hp1_base Base health regeneration per 1 second.
mp1_base Base resource bar regeneration per 1 second.
hp1_lvl Health regeneration per 1 second increase per level.
mp1_lvl Resource bar regeneration per 1 second increase per level

Riot provides regeneration values as per 5 seconds.

Derived data

True as_base is 0.63775510204082, rounded to 3 decimal places as 0.638[2]

At level 18, the attack speed is 0.99553571428571

Usuario:BryghtShadow/Template:Table row Attack speed
Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Retrieval of data items

{{data Lucian|pst2|as_base}}, using parameter selection template Template:Pst2, gives the parameter as_base, etc.

For retrieval of more data items it is more efficient to prepare a template for that, to be used as follows:

{{data Lucian|template name|..|..|..|..}}

so that this data template needs to be called only once.[3] The default template is Template:Show data, producing this page.

The four parameters are optional, they are passed on to the prepared template as parameters 2-5.

A parameter being undefined or empty typically means the same, see below. {{data ..|pst2|..}} gives the empty string and the text "{{{..}}}", respectively. Therefore an application checking the parameter has to check both. Checking whether a result is equal to e.g. the text "{{{popinc}}}" cannot be done directly with #ifeq in a template which itself has also a parameter with that name, because if that is defined, there would be a comparison with the value instead of the text itself. Instead, it can be checked whether the first character of the result is "{", e.g.: {{#ifeq:{{padleft:|1|{{data {{{continent}}}|pst2|popinc}}}}|{|..|..}}.

Creating new data templates

Template:Data/preload can be used to create new data templates. The wikitext can be copied to the new data template. For parameters which are not applicable, the parameter definition can be deleted. For parameters to be filled in later the parameter definition (specifying the empty string as value) can be left in the wikitext to be filled in later. Do not forget parameter 1.


In this template system each template contains various properties of a single entity, as opposed to the other common system, where a template contains one property (e.g. population or area) of many entities. Although that other system can be convenient if updates of a property for all these entities become available together, in the case of large-scale use of data on one page that other system can be problematic due to its inefficiency. This is because of the following:

  • There are often more entities than properties, and page counts (or in the case of #switch, average page counts) are proportional to the number of data items in the data template (if they are stored in a linear way, not in a tree, and not stored as unnamed parameters).
  • In the case of large-scale use of data on one page there are usually one or more tables, where an entity forms a row and a property a column, because there are often more entities than properties, and because this way the sorting feature allows sorting entities based on a property. In this template system this allows producing a row with only one call of the data template, making the count not grow faster than proportional to the average number of data items stored per data template, times the number of entities in the table.

The include part of the data template of an entity does not contain a long list of its sub-entities or their properties, because that would make this method inefficient too.

  1. REDIRECCIÓN Plantilla:Listaref

Until here the documentation is automatically generated by Template:Show data.

  1. It may seem odd, but a template cannot retrieve its own name (PAGENAME only provides this on the template page itself), and even if it could, a string operation would be needed to remove "Data ". Putting the name of the entity in the data template removes the need to supply it as a parameter when the data template is called (in the cases that it would need this name).
  2. Attack speed
  3. See the first two rows of the first table in m:Help:Array#Summary of counts for template limits.