Wiki League of Legends
Campeón Historia Estrategia Aspectos y Curiosidades

Uso de sus Habilidades[]

  • Miss Fortune Miss Fortune aumenta su velocidad de movimiento con su pasiva Alarde Alarde si no es atacada por una unidad enemiga. Evita ser golpeado para mantener su pasiva. Está es una pasiva excepcional cuando quieres llegar al carril rápido o acercarte a un enemigo rápidamente, además puedes hacer roaming para ayudar o emboscar carriles.
  • Utiliza Doble Bala Doble Bala para hostigar a los campeones enemigos. Lánzala sobre un súbdito o campeón enemigo, si hay un campeón enemigo detrás de ellos hará que rebote hacia él e infligirá daño adicional.
  • Doble Bala Doble Bala puede golpear a enemigos que estén en los arbustos, incluso sin visión. Utiliza esto como ventaja para hacer que rebote sobre un súbdito/campeón enemigo visible, y que golpee al objetivo en los arbustos.
  • Puedes activar Disparos Impuros Disparos Impuros mientras el disparo de Doble Bala Doble Bala está en el aire y aún así aplicará la debilitación al golpear.
  • Utiliza Disparos Impuros Disparos Impuros para atacar a oponentes que tengan una regeneración de vida, robo de vida o curación alta como la de los hechizos o objetos. La debilitación de Heridas Graves de Disparos Impuros Disparos Impuros reducirá su habilidad para curarse y posiblemente obtengas un asesinato más fácil debido al efecto.
  • Activa Disparos Impuros Disparos Impuros para destruir torretas más rápido.
  • Las habilidades de Miss Fortune Miss Fortune le permiten limpiar súbditos más rápido que muchos otros campeones, pero necesita farmear una gran cantidad de oro con el fin de tener éxito contra otros campeones. Lluvia de Balas Lluvia de Balas puede y debería ser usada todo el juego para farmear grupos débiles de súbditos. Balacera Balacera destruirá instantáneamente incluso a los grupos más largos de súbditos, pero generalmente es mejor guardarla para combates de equipo debido a su largo enfriamiento, a menos que una torre o inhibidor esté en grave peligro por las oleadas de súbditos.
  • Lluvia de Balas Lluvia de Balas ralentiza unidades enemigas, incluyendo campeones, utilízala para prevenir que los campeones con baja vida se escapen y otorgarles a tus compañeros de equipo un asesinato adicional, o disparala detrás de ti mientras corres (con precaución) para ralentizar a los perseguidores enemigos.
  • Lluvia de Balas Lluvia de Balas tienen un tiempo de lanzamiento notable cuando se activa, así que ten cuidado al usarla cuando corres de un oponente. Puedes compensar la pérdida de movimiento usando Fantasma Fantasma o Destello Destello.
  • Lluvia de Balas Lluvia de Balas provee visión cuando es activada, así que utilízala en arbustos o puntos de emboscada para evitar ser emboscado.
  • Utiliza Lluvia de Balas Lluvia de Balas antes de utilizar Balacera Balacera para mantener a tus enemigos en el área de efecto de Balacera Balacera.
  • Balacera Balacera es capaz de pasar a través de paredes; utiliza esto para sorprender a los enemigos abraza torretas.
  • También, toma ventajas de un aturdimiento o inmovilización, como Maldición de la Momia Triste Maldición de la Momia Triste o Deslumbramiento Deslumbramiento.
  • Balacera Balacera es una habilidad de canalización, por lo que un aturdimiento o silencio puede interrumpirla. Asegúrate de que te encuentras fuera del alcance de los enemigos con Control de Masas mientras lanzas Balacera Balacera de forma que no pueda ser interrumpida
  • Todas las habilidades de Miss Fortune Miss Fortune son más fuertes a mediados del juego. Balacera Balacera es casi imparable al nivel 6. Al nivel 18, el daño base difícilmente hará algún rasguño a la mayoría de los enemigos, sin embargo, el efecto de aplicación de la pasiva de Disparos Impuros será adecuado para matar a los asesinos que vayan por ti. Utiliza su tiempo efectivamente para empujar con fuerza a mediados del juego así Miss Fortune Miss Fortune está preparada para el daño pesado que necesita de los objetos al final del juego.
  • Su definitiva es estupenda para robar el Barón Nashor, asegúrate de usarla muy pronto, ya que el daño aumenta rápidamente con cada acumulación.

Uso de su Build[]

Miss Fortune Miss Fortune is a team-oriented Marksman that can be played in different ways, offering her team an array of options few other Marksmen can match with superb damage. In exchange, she trades any escape mechanism and safety, making her very vulnerable during team fights and, overall, an easy target to focus. 


  • Being a strong bully in lane, Miss Fortune Miss Fortune benefits from attack damage greatly. Sometimes a Doran's Blade Doran's Blade or two can set her ahead due to sustain and bonus health. Given her natural dominance in the early stage of the game, any small lead can become a big advantage for Miss Fortune Miss Fortune.
  • An early The Brutalizer The Brutalizer can be very powerful on Miss Fortune Miss Fortune, as Double Up Double Up scales very well with attack damage, it provides armor penetration, and useful cool down reduction. It also builds into The Black Cleaver The Black Cleaver later on.
  • Because of her back-line nature, The Bloodthirster The Bloodthirster works very well as Miss Fortune Miss Fortune's first big item. The bonus AD is great on her and the sustain is essential. 
  • A common strategy is to build around Bullet Time Bullet Time by getting a The Black Cleaver The Black Cleaver in combination with Last Whisper Last Whisper; start a team fight with a heavy AoE CC or lock-down move and unleash Bullet Time Bullet Time. Since it deals physical damage in such a large cone, it applies The Black Cleaver The Black Cleaver stacks very quickly to all the targets hit. This can cause massive armor shred and damage in the first seconds of a fight, giving Miss Fortune Miss Fortune and her team great advantage.
  • Miss Fortune Miss Fortune can be built as a conventional Marksman with Phantom Dancer Phantom Dancer and Infinity Edge Infinity Edge combo, focusing on sustained damage rather than AoE burst. increases her attack speed substantially, making the combo even deadlier.
  • Blade of the Ruined King Blade of the Ruined King is another good item if you are focusing on sustained damage, and being particularly effective against high health targets. It's important for Miss Fortune Miss Fortune to have enough armor penetration and attack speed in order to maximize its value. 


  • Being one of the less mobile Marksmen once in battle, a Banshee's Veil Banshee's Veil can prevent or at least deter enemies from spending a valuable spell on Miss Fortune Miss Fortune. Preferred against teams with very few important crowd control spells or large nukes.
  • Alternatively, a Quicksilver Sash Quicksilver Sash can provide magic resistance and the ability to remove powerful crowd control spells for lock down. Plus, it can later be built into Mercurial Scimitar Mercurial Scimitar, which provide the same benefits and a substantial AD increase.
  • Another common pick for Marksmen is Guardian Angel Guardian Angel, which makes Miss Fortune Miss Fortune less attractive as a primary target. However, beware; roaming and dying to enemies when teammates are at distance renders Guardian Angel Guardian Angel's passive useless.
  • Hexdrinker Hexdrinker is another good early pick, albeit not common on Marksmen. It helps by defending against strong magic damage nukes like Primordial Burst Primordial Burst de Veigar Veigar and preventing spells like Requiem Requiem de Karthus Karthus from finishing Miss Fortune Miss Fortune off. Also, it can be upgraded to Maw of Malmortius Maw of Malmortius later on, providing even more AD.
  • Large health items like Frozen Mallet Frozen Mallet and Warmog's Armor Warmog's Armor are not considered optimal as they can be easily countered by health shredding items. Furthermore, the lack of resistances weakens the value of raw health.
    • With that said, Frozen Mallet Frozen Mallet can become a great chasing tool if paired with Enchantment - Furor Enchantment - FurorMake It Rain Make It Rain, and Impure Shots Impure Shots.
  • Another unconventional choice for Marksmen is Randuin's Omen Randuin's Omen. This item should be considered however, when the enemy team has strong threats that rely on auto attacking such as bruisers and enemy marksmen.
  • Zephyr Zephyr can be bought later in the game to replace boots. It provides many useful stats. 


  • Although it is not often considered, Trinity Force Trinity Force has great synergy with Miss Fortune Miss Fortune as it amplifies the damage of Double Up Double Up's first hit substantially, as well as provides ability power to increase the damage of her other skills. It also gives her more movement speed than most other items, as well as attack damage, ability power, health and mana. Not to mention the Rage passive will allow Miss Fortune Miss Fortune to move much quicker than she normally does when catching up to enemy champions. Cooldown reduction would be recommended in order to get the most out of the build.
  • Due to the nature of her kit, Miss Fortune Miss Fortune can build through several paths and still be viable. Some items like Runaan's Hurricane Runaan's Hurricane and Wit's End Wit's End have limited yet realistic potential; Miss Fortune Miss Fortune can either apply healing reduction to up to three targets or slowly shred their magic resistance.
  • A Boots of Mobility Boots of Mobility with Statikk Shiv Statikk Shiv, Zephyr Zephyr and Trinity Force Trinity Force will give Miss Fortune Miss Fortune a total of 544 movement speed with Strut Strut. This build can be considered for moving around the map very quickly, however it sacrifices some of her damage output. Trinity Force Trinity Force also has the Rage passive and combined with Enchantment - Furor Enchantment - Furor allows her to chase opponents very well.
  • Most ofMiss Fortune Miss Fortune's abilities provide AP ratios as well, so an AP build can be used with pleasing results. Although not considered viable at a competitive level, the build can still deal good damage with reasonable results.
    • Since Double Up Double Up procs and applies on-hit effects, a Lich Bane Lich Bane can be useful when building AP.
    • Nashor's Tooth Nashor's Tooth provides a small ratio on auto attacks, which would stack with Impure Shots Impure Shots' passive and active.
    • Liandry's Torment Liandry's Torment can fully benefit from its passive due to Make It Rain Make It Rain.
    • Despite being considered as "hybrid" items, Guinsoo's Rageblade Guinsoo's Rageblade and Hextech Gunblade Hextech Gunblade can be fairly effective when stacking AP.

Objetos Recomendados[]

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Cómo Contrarrestar[]

  • Miss Fortune Miss Fortune is a rather squishy champion like most other ranged AD carries; pressuring her in lane will minimize her utility.
  • Miss Fortune Miss Fortune has no escaping abilities besides her Strut Strut. Harassing her frequently will minimize the effect of her passive.
    • If Miss Fortune Miss Fortune is hit by any source of damage, Strut Strut is immediately removed, use this as an advantage as it removes her mobility.
  • Quickly move away from Make It Rain Make It Rain de Miss Fortune Miss Fortune and Bullet Time Bullet Time to avoid taking damage.
    • However, running straight backwards from Bullet Time Bullet Time can often be one of the worst things you can do, because it has a long range and a widening cone - move sideways or even towards Miss Fortune Miss Fortune if at melee range to escape Bullet Time Bullet Time fastest.
  • Before using healing abilities, wait until the debuff from Impure Shots Impure Shots de Miss Fortune Miss Fortune expires.
  • Bullet Time Bullet Time is a channeling ability, try to interrupt Miss Fortune Miss Fortune when she channels it.
  • Like Tristana Tristana, Miss Fortune Miss Fortune has some magic damage abilities, so consider building MR/health in addition to straight armor.
  • If being chased by Miss Fortune Miss Fortune and if she doesn't have Blessing of the Lizard Elder Blessing of the Lizard Elder or Frozen Mallet Frozen Mallet, landing a ranged ability or auto attack will act as a slow on her since it removes Strut Strut long enough for you to escape.

Presentación de Campeones[]
